St Leonards to Starry Mart, spring '24 – Part 2, Anna Blewett

Anna Blewett, 27th February 2024 / Location 5

8 The river's there all the while. Going nowhere.

9 Critics say this is non design. That our 21st century spaces are designed for austerity rather than any aesthetic.

10 It's hard to argue but feels unfair on the people who live here now.

11 Do their choices count for less?

12 I remember when they poured this concrete. It's sagging into the 1800s timbers.

13 The river is almost obscenely silted now. Economically inactive. I sound like someone's dad.

14 But.

15 But.

16. But.

17 This place is bigger and posher than I remember. Was that before Covid?

18 The Colne feels very different from here.

19 And through that distant white door I glimpse a warehouse, the huge boxes and shrink wrap of a busy online empire with transit and shipping and rivers...